Onelife Fitness News & Articles

Tips & Inspiration from the Onelife Summertime FitTeam!

Written by Jackie | Jul 1, 2020 7:12:21 PM

As we shimmy, shake and swim into the tropical days of July with a Sunshine State of Mind, we continue to share our series of tips and inspiration from our Onelife Summertime FitTeam. Here's what they've been up to, how they're staying fit and positive, whether they dig the beach or mountains, and more!


Mariah, Assistant General Manager


Always on-her-game and always-on-the-go, Mariah has been a winner from the very beginning with our Company. Mariah launched her career at our front desk and has learned the many intricacies, and always-growing spectrum of the Business throughout her tenure. A natural in our industry, Mariah understands the importance of creating a fit environment as well as the importance of being fit, physically and mentally.  

Known for her level-headedness, problem-solving skills, high level hustle and athleticism, Mariah makes us a better Company every day. 

Read on to see how meal-prepping, The Kardashians and coffee keep Mariah on track!



Q: How are you staying fit and healthy?
Diet plays the biggest part for me! Eating for nutrition isn't always a five star dining experience, so I play to my strengths by bringing meal preps in to work, where I know I will eat them. I know me, always on the go, and after 5 hours of thathustle, I'm looking for something quick, and not necessarily healthy, to eat.

Q: What inspired you to get into the fitness business?
Taking care of yourself is important, and in the gym, everyone's results are largely in part self-made. These physical, mental, emotional, and operational aspects of the business are like second nature for me.
 It doesn't matter if you're a member, a guest, or an employee, seeing how we all work toward a goal to better ourselves, implementing fitness, ultimately makes us more "fit" for life, and happier overall.

Q: Favorite guilty pleasure?
Binge watching reality TV. Life gets stressful/crazy, but after watching a few episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians, I feel normal again, haha!

Q: Coffee or tea?

Q: Beach or Mountains?

Beach :)




Jason, Regional Director of Sales and Operations


One of the most positive forces in our company, Jason leads from the front every day to deliver the Ultimate Fitness Experience to our awesome members and Fitness Team. Understanding the great importance of relationships and excellent customer service, along with the power of training and repetition, Jason impacts our customer and Team experience dramatically, setting the tone for positivity, and raising the performance bar all around. Jason unexpectedly fell in love with fitness and the power of changing lives and has never looked back! Read on to see how family time, his home ZOO and the Washington Capitals amplify his outlook and his life! 



Q: How are you staying fit & healthy?

I do my best to get a good mix of cardio and strength training in at least five days/week. The Stepmill is my go to, followed by the weights!! I also make sure I’m hitting my step goal as much as possible.  It sounds silly, but looking down at your watch and wondering if you’re going to hit your goal, helps you get moving (and has even inspired some late night dog walks or pacing the bedroom at 11:58pm).



Q: What inspired you to get into the fitness business?

I wasn’t into exercise at all growing up.  Little league sports, yes.  Lifting and running for exercise…NO!  When I started college, I randomly decided to go to the gym.  I’ll never forget, it was what people thought of a “gym” back then. Dark, rusty equipment and you couldn’t even see out of the windows they were so filthy.  Somehow, some way, I still fell in love with it so much that I decided to major in Commercial Fitness. I got my degree and did my internship with our very own Club in McLean, VA!  The rest is history! Today, nothing makes me feel better than having a member come up to me, telling me how much they love our club and how it's changed their lives. That is what gets me up every morning. 


Q: How you stay level-headed and positive?

I need my family time.  My wife and four kids are everything to me.  Whether I’m relaxing with everyone at the house, coaching my kids ice hockey teams, or doing something fun with my daughter, that’s my therapy.  No matter what’s going on at home, they keep me grounded, positive and focused on what’s important in life.  On a side note, I also stay positive when the Washington Capitals are WINNING! 



Q: Pet or Plant? 

Pet for sure! My house is a ZOO. Five parakeets, four rescue dogs, umpteen fish and two turtles! 


Q: Beach or Mountains?

Beach! My family has been going to Bethany Beach for over 40 years!