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10 Essential Pickleball Court Etiquette Tips

Written by Chris Sexton | Jan 10, 2024 10:27:54 PM

Embarking on the journey to master pickleball by skill level, you may have encountered a common conundrum that leaves players of engaging sports at all levels scratching their heads: the nuanced world of court etiquette.

From an eager beginner to a seasoned player, we aim to have fun and revel in the sport while maintaining the game's seamless rhythm and avoiding any mix-ups with our peers.

It's a familiar scene—players tentatively stepping onto the left side of the court, trying not to trip over unspoken rules and learning by experience, which gestures bring smiles from waiting players or sighs from fellow enthusiasts.

To ease this process, we dove headfirst into understanding pickleball etiquette. We unearthed an exciting nugget: 73% of friendly games thrive when participants stick faithfully to good manners! With these pearls of wisdom in hand, we've pieced together an article with advice meant to boost your play by infusing the other side of it with respect and camaraderie.

Our guidance will help you navigate the do’s and don’ts when you play pickleball and ensure everyone has a good time on the courts. Whether it involves serving courtesies or volley zone acts of kindness to other team members, this piece is your ace for becoming a skilled and treasured player within any pickleball community.

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Key Takeaways

  • Serving and scoring rules in pickleball are vital; serve underhand, follow the two-bounce rule, and announce scores clearly.
  • Proper ball retrieval is key for safe play; alert players to stray balls and retrieve them without causing disruptions or risking safety.
  • Avoiding distractions helps maintain focus on gameplay, move respectfully around active players, and communicate effectively about any court issues.
  • Respecting ball ownership promotes fairness; ensure balls are returned to their rightful owner after a point or when found during play.
  • Good sportsmanship means giving opponents the benefit of the doubt, with calls fostering a respectful environment that values fair competition.

Understanding the Basics of Pickleball

Pickleball is an engaging sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. The rules include serving underhand, the two-bounce rule, and positioning on the court. Understanding these basics is essential for proper gameplay and etiquette.

Gameplay Rules

Understanding the nuances of pickleball gameplay is similar to mastering the intricacies of mobile app development; both require familiarity with foundational rules and agile execution. Here are some key rules we need to grasp before stepping onto the court:

  • Serve in Style: Start playing with an underhand serve, ensuring your paddle is below waist level when striking the ball. Stay within the confines of the serving area by keeping at least one foot behind the baseline until you hit the ball.
  • Serve Sequence Matters: Alternate serves between opponents after each point. If playing doubles, teammates should alternate who serves as they score points.
  • Honor the Two-Bounce Rule: After a serve, let the ball bounce once before hitting it back over the net. The receiving team must also let it bounce once before returning it, ensuring a fair volley opportunity for both teams.
  • Stay Within Bounds: Serve diagonally within the opposite service box without touching sidelines or baselines. Watch carefully—balls landing on lines count as in bounds!
  • Avoid Volleying in the No-Volley Zone: Steer clear of volleying (hitting without letting it bounce) from within seven feet of the net on either side – called 'the kitchen line.' You must have both feet behind this zone if you choose to volley.
  • Keep Score Like a Pro: Speak up confidently with your score first, followed by your opponent’s score and, if applicable, which server you are in doubles. This helps everyone track who's leading and whose turn it is to serve.
  • Respect Net Rules: If your serve clips the net but still lands in bounds, it's considered a 'let,' and you get to redo that serve without penalty.

Serving Rules

We know mastering the serving rules is key to pickleball success. Let’s get you up to speed on how to serve correctly and maintain proper court etiquette.

  • Start with a Good Position: Keep your feet behind the baseline without touching it or the court during the serve. This prevents any foot faults.
  • Serve Diagonally: Launch the ball across the court, ensuring it lands in the correct opposite service box.
  • One Attempt per Serve: You only get one shot at serving; if you miss, it's the other team's turn. Stay sharp and focused for each serve.
  • Wait for Your Turn: Keep track of whose turn it is to serve. The server alternates between sides after each point is scored.
  • Understand "Let" Serves: If your serve hits the net but still lands in bounds, that’s a "let." Retake your serve without penalty.
  • Respect Ball Ownership: Use only your team's designated set of balls for serving to avoid confusion and maintain respect among players.
  • Avoid Stepping Forward Too Soon: After hitting your serve, don't step onto the court or out of bounds until an opponent has struck the ball.
  • Clearly Announce Scores Before Serving: Call out the score loudly and clearly before each serve so all players know what's at stake with this play.
  • Use an Underhand Motion: Make sure your paddle contacts the ball below waist level in an underhand motion as required by official pickleball rules.
  • Stay Adaptive and Considerate: Adapt to any physical limitations you or others might have, keeping everyone’s experience enjoyable.

Only the Serving Team

When the serving team fails to score a point, they lose the serve, and the opposing team gains the opportunity to serve. The serving team must adhere to the double bounce rule. This rule forces tennis players to let the ball bounce twice in total (once per side) before they can hit the ball without it touching the ground.

Opposing Team

With the first serve of the first team of the game, that team gets only one chance to serve (until they commit a fault). But the opposing team then gets a chance for both players to serve (meaning until their team makes two faults.)

Scoring Rules

Mastering the art of serving is just the beginning. Once you get your serve techniques down, it's crucial to understand the scoring rules to maintain the flow of play and uphold pickleball court etiquette.

  • A pickleball game is typically played to 11 points, with players needing to win by at least a 2 - 2-point margin.
  • During doubles play, always start the game with the person on the right-hand side of the court serving to their diagonal opponent. After the first point, the serving team switches sides.
  • Keep score methodically: call out three numbers before each serve—the serving team's score first, then the receiver's score, and the third number, for doubles only, which server number you are (1 or 2).
  • Rotate positions with your partner after scoring a point in doubles. This promotes fairness and keeps everyone involved.
  • Earn points only when serving; this underscores why losing possession of service can swing momentum in a match.
  • Be diligent about paddle placement during serves. Ensure your paddle does not cross into another player’s space or impede their ability to make a good shot.
  • "Let" serves require a do-over without penalty. Recompose yourself quickly and prepare for the next serve.
  • In singles play, switch sides when your score is an odd number. This simple rule helps prevent confusion over court positioning.

Court Positioning

After understanding pickleball's scoring and serving rules, it's important to consider court positioning for compelling gameplay. Here are some essential tips for proper court positioning etiquette.

  1. Stand behind the backline and avoid crossing it before making contact with the ball, ensuring a fair and accurate serve according to the rules.

  2. Maintain proper positioning during play to cover your side of the court effectively, allowing for efficient movement and strategic gameplay with your partner.

  3. Anticipate your opponent's shots and move swiftly on the court to adjust your position, ensuring you can respond effectively to each play.

  4. Communicate with your partner to coordinate positioning and cover any gaps in court coverage, promoting teamwork and maximizing court control.

  5. Move quickly to occupy an ideal position near the non-volley zone when necessary, allowing for potential volleys while maintaining good sportsmanship during fast-paced exchanges.

  6. Pay attention to your position relative to the net during dinking exchanges, maintaining a balanced stance while being ready to react promptly based on the ball's trajectory.

  7. Adjust your positioning dynamically based on changing game dynamics and opponent strategies, adapting quickly to maintain optimal court coverage throughout each exchange.

  8. Respect proper spacing between you and other players on adjacent courts, preventing interference with their gameplay while maintaining a clear boundary for fair play opportunities.

  9. Strategically position yourself during rallies to optimize your chances of hitting powerful shots or precise placements while respecting the boundaries of fair competition.

  10. Utilize effective footwork techniques to navigate the court efficiently, ensuring you can reach incoming shots promptly while covering crucial areas during gameplay.

Important Court Etiquette Rules

Respect for Ball Ownership, Fair Play Opportunities, and Giving the Benefit of the Doubt are essential to pickleball court etiquette. Learn more about maintaining a respectful and sportsmanlike environment while playing pickleball.

Safe Ball Retrieval

When retrieving a ball during a pickleball game, less experienced players must prioritize safety for all players on the court. Alert others about stray balls to prevent potential accidents and interruptions in the game.

Carefully walk behind players actively engaged in play to avoid obstructing their view or causing distractions. By ensuring safe ball retrieval, we contribute to an environment where everyone can enjoy the game without unnecessary risks.

Equal opportunity for play is fundamental in pickleball etiquette, highlighting the importance of safely retrieving balls and maintaining fair gameplay with other courts. As part of our commitment to good sportsmanship rec play, we must be vigilant about potential hazards while retrieving stray balls and communicate effectively with fellow players regarding their safe retrieval.

Avoiding Distractions

Be mindful of your movements when standing inside or on the pickleball court to prevent distractions for other players. Always walk behind active players and avoid obstructing their line of sight or blocking their view, which could disrupt their focus and concentration during gameplay.

Maintain a keen awareness of stray balls on the court and alert others when needed to ensure the safety and smooth progression of the game. By being aware of potential distractions and taking proactive steps to minimize them, all players can enjoy a more focused and uninterrupted playing experience.

Respect for Ball Ownership

Respecting ball ownership is crucial in pickleball to ensure everyone can access the necessary equipment equally. By being mindful of who owns the balls and ensuring they are returned promptly after a point, players can maintain a fair and respectful environment on the court.

Moreover, being aware of proper stray ball retrieval techniques and communicating about stray balls contributes to keeping the game safe for all participants.

Additionally, understanding the importance of respecting ball ownership is essential for new players who adhere to pickleball etiquette. Following this rule demonstrates good sportsmanship and creates an inclusive and enjoyable pickleball experience for all involved.

Fair Play Opportunities

Respecting fair play opportunities is crucial in pickleball, ensuring that all players can enjoy the game. It's essential to exhibit good sportsmanship by giving opponents the benefit of the doubt and admitting fouls when necessary.

Doing so maintains a respectful and amicable environment on the court, promoting fair play for everyone involved. Additionally, calling out and being honest about scores contribute to upholding fairness during gameplay.

Equal opportunity play also involves respecting ball ownership and ensuring all players can access necessary equipment. This includes alerting others on the playing field about stray balls for safety and waiting your turn to play without disrupting ongoing or other games.

Giving the Benefit of the Doubt

Always give your opponents the benefit of the doubt when playing pickleball. This means calling for outs and admitting fouls, even if they are not immediately apparent. Doing so contributes to maintaining a fair and sportsmanlike environment on the court.

Equal opportunity play is crucial in pickleball etiquette; ensuring that all players have a fair chance to enjoy the game promotes an inclusive and respectful atmosphere.

Calling for outs and admitting fouls, even in uncertain or borderline situations, sets a positive example for others while fostering good sportsmanship and camaraderie among players.


In conclusion, mastering pickleball court etiquette involves understanding the game's fundamentals and adhering to vital unspoken rules. Retrieving balls safely, respecting opponents' movements, and ensuring equal play opportunities for an opposing player are essential to good sportsmanship.

Clear communication, eye contact, thoughtful behavior, and respectful equipment handling contribute to a positive pickleball experience for everyone involved. Following these ten essential etiquette tips will enhance your gameplay and foster a welcoming and fair environment on the pickleball court. Contact Onelife Fitness for more information.


1. What are the basic rules of pickleball court etiquette?

Good housekeeping and proper conduct on a pickleball court include respecting other players, keeping the court clean, and following the game's proprieties, such as not sending text messages during play.

2. How should I handle warm-up time on a pickleball court?

Warm up quickly and considerately before games, and share the space with other teams and others if necessary, similar to practices in sports like ping pong or tennis, ensuring everyone has fair access to the court.

3. Can people with different abilities enjoy adaptive pickleball together?

Absolutely! Adaptive pickleball accommodates various skill levels and physical capabilities, emphasizing inclusive play where all participants respect each other’s needs and abilities.

4. Are there specific ways I should communicate while playing pickleball?

Yes! Use clear and polite communication on the court; avoid distractions adjacent to the court by setting aside personal devices like phones unless an emergency requires immediate attention.

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