Balanced Halloween!

Balanced Halloween!

Halloween is going to look different this year for SO many reasons… I feel like we should work with the changes instead of against them, what do you think?


With social distancing there’s a very small chance trick or treating will look how it used to and as sad as it is, I’ll show you the silver lining!


Without trick or treating it means more halloween parties with our families and friends. Which means less bowls and bags of candy left over and stuffed into our pantries or left on the countertops for days (or weeks honestly).


This is your chance to take control over the snacks we have out on Halloween! Enter… the Spooky Snack Tray!


healthy halloween snacks

While the other guests at the parties will without a doubt come bearing spider cupcakes, lady finger mummies, and bowls of chocolate, you can take control over your health by contributing pumpkin oranges, cheese stick ghosts, grape vines, and chickpea pumpkin dip with zucchini dippers!


It’s the perfect way to wiggle a little balance into your Halloween while staying on theme and saving room for a piece or two of your favorite candy, because why not?!


This board is made up of:


  • Broom Sticks: Pretzel sticks with string cheese poked through
  • Ghosts: String Cheese with raisin eyes
  • Bowl of Eyeballs: Raisins
  • Grape Vines: Grapes!
  • Pumpkins: Cuties or clementines with stems made of sliced and chopped zucchini
  • Broom Sticks: Pretzel Sticks

healthy halloween recipe

With a board like this at the party, there’s plenty of room to fill up on veggies and some healthy fats and protein from the string cheese and chickpea dip while balancing in a piece or two of your favorite candy - guilt free!

cheese & chickpea dip

Follow me on Instagram @LivingWithLeena for more recipes and health tips!




Leena Abed

Certified Nutritionist, Fitness Enthusiast, Onelife Fitness Ambassador