Extreme Sports Training

Extreme Sports Training

The infatuation the public has with gameplay is taking on a new level these days. Extreme sports have a certain lack of control that really appeals to fans and athletes alike. Each year, thousands of people stand in line for a chance to become an American Ninja Warrior, for example. 

Obstacle courses, triathlons, base jumping, bodyboarding and extreme biking are not just challenging, they are thrilling, which is kind of the point. How does one go about training for an extreme sport? 

Focus on Four Elements

Proper training is going to depend on the sport of choice of course, but you can break it down into four critical objectives:

  • Strength
  • Intense intervals
  • Dynamic movement
  • Flexibility

Any program that helps you master these four factors will get you that much closer to going extreme. 


Extreme sports require you to be strong but also lean so you can move fast. Focus your training on programs that build form as opposed to bulk. Adding the right strength training regiment to your plan will also help reduce the risk of injury. 

Structured programs like performance training fit that bill perfectly. Performance training strengthens core muscles and stabilizers while enhancing mobility, power and coordination. It’s a full-body workout that builds lean muscle and not mass and that's just what you want for extreme sports.

Interval Training 

Interval training is at the heart of most athletic pursuits. It builds endurance but it also creates work capacity. It teaches you to push your limits and then go just a little more. 

Timed step running at the local stadium is a way to build endurance and enhance foot movement at the same time. Push yourself to the brink and then slow to regroup before doing it again and again. 

Dynamic movement 

Dynamic movement enhances muscle activation by combining cardio with strength training. It’s a combination that demands more energy to improve stamina. 

Kettlebell exercises are examples of dynamic movement. They challenge the muscles and increase the heart rate while teaching you the art moving effortlessly.


It’s a simple concept -- If you are not flexible, you do not move fast. Flexibility exercises like yoga or pilates help you find balance and durability. You bend and twist in a way you didn’t know were even possible, too.

If you want to do extreme sports then you have to be willing to put in the work.   For more information concerning extreme training contact your fitness director or Explosive Performance Trainer.